Mediating Online. From Your Own Home or Workplace
By Stephen G Anderson LL.B
You want to mediate
Mediating online could be for you if your relationship has broken down. You need to sort things out. There are parenting and financial arrangements to make. You want a mediator to help because you’ve heard that it is a better and less expensive approach. The trouble is, you’re 40 minutes drive away from the nearest mediator. This means you’d have to have to take a half day off work just to attend a two hour meeting.
Try mediating online from home or work
Which is why at Start Mediation we can offer you online mediation over a webcam from the comfort of your workplace or home. There’s no driving and no parking. And there’s no worrying about leaving on time or being late to think about either. Because, all you need is a private space with a comfortable chair and table or desk, and a decent internet connection. Providing you have a desktop or laptop computer with a webcam, a tablet or smartphone, you’ll be able to mediate online with an experienced online mediator.
Mediation saves time and money
Mediation takes a fraction of the time solicitors or the courts take. Where they take on average 16 months, mediation is typically completed within 4 months. Most of all, this allows your recovery to start sooner. Yet, it also means you will end up spending a fraction of what you could have spent on lawyer’s fees.
We are specialists
Few mediators have had any training in working online. However, Stephen Anderson, one of our accredited senior mediators, has. He undertook specialist training with the Hawaiian Mediation Project in 2011. He then became the first UK based family mediator to routinely offer online mediation in 2012. In 2016 Stephen has spoken at numerous conferences about it. He also helped write the standards for online mediation that all family mediators in England and Wales are required to uphold.
If you’d like to try online mediation fill in our online form here or call us on 01473 487427. We’d be happy to discuss with you the process’s potential suitability.
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